Welcome to desrist.org, a portal for design science
research in information systems and technology. It aims to
promote an online community by providing community services,
knowledge base, directory and other information and
The site is being continually improved. More information and services will be added.

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Featured Content
The design research webpage (edited by Dr. Vijay
Vaishnavi and Dr. William Kuechler), which was originally from the
AISNet.org website, is now hosted on DESRIST.org.
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Site Map
- Home: DESRIST.org home.
- Bulletin: News in the community
- Knowledge Base: Knowledge base: publications, tutorials, presentations, reports, books, etc.
- Overview: An introduction of design research in information systems, by Vijay Vaishnavi and Bill Kuechler
- Conference: DESRIST conference information.
- Resource: Resource collection for DESRIST research, knowledge, education, and people.
- About: About this site.
News and Updates
DESRIST 2017 (12th Interantional Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology) will be hosted AT KARLSRUHE, GERMANY, MAY 30 - JUNE 1, 2017
Visit http://desrist2017.kit.edu
DESRIST 2016: Tackling Society’s Grand Challenges with Design Science 11th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology - http://desrist2016.wordpress.com
Location: St. John’s, NL, Canada
Date: May 24-25, 2016 (Doctoral Consortium and Opening Reception May 23)
Key Dates: Regular Papers: Submission – February 5, 2016,
Acceptance Notification – March 4, 2016,
Camera-ready Submission – March 16, 2016 -
The AIS Design Science Research web page has been updated:
The AIS Design Science Research web page has been updated. The new page offers the same excellent introduction to the methodology and its philosophical grounding as earlier versions, but has been updated in many sections, and numerous recent DSR research references have been added . Of special note is a new section on the role of theory and theory development in the context of design science research in IS. Visit the page at: https://desrist.org/design-research-in-information-systems/ -
The DESRIST Executive Committee has just selected St. Johns, Newfoundland as the location for 2016 DESRIST. It will be run from May 23-26, 2016. A CFP will be out shortly. -
New design science research book:
Design Science Research Methods and Patterns: Innovating Information and Communication Technology, 2nd Edition Hardcover – May 6, 2015
by Vijay K. Vaishnavi and William Kuechler
The DESRIST Conference 2015 will be hosted by Dublin City University and Maynooth University Dublin, Ireland. http://desrist2015.computing.dcu.ie -
Deadline for DESRIST 2014 Doctoral Consortium March 10:
The deadline for Doctoral Consortium has been extended to March 10 and to ask you encourage your doctoral students to apply.This is an excellent opportunity to receive expert feedback from a distinguished panel.
To apply for presentation at the DESRIST Doctoral Consortium, please submit a paper addressing the following points. The manuscript should exclusively address their thesis and related issues:
Research background
Research problem / research questions
DSR methodological approach
Description of artifact or design theory
Expected contribution
Next Steps
Challenges and specific issues that you would like to discuss at the consortium
The submission must not exceed 8 pages, 8.5 x 11 in sheet with 1 inch margin, 12 points Times New Roman font. The materials must be sent via email to janph@ruc.dk AND duttak@nus.edu.sg. All submissions must be in Microsoft Word (doc/docx) or PDF format. The application must be received no later than midnight Central European Standard Time (CET) on 10 March 2014. Submissions will be judged based on the following criteria:
Justification and rigor
http://desrist2014.fiu.edu/doctoral-consortium/ -
Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST) 2014 Conference:
Call for Products and Prototypes: Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST) 2014 Conference
Location: Florida International University – Downtown (FIU), Miami, Florida, USA
Date: May 22-23, 2014
Theme: Advancing the Impact of Design Science: Moving from Theory to Practice
The Products & Prototypes Track is intended to showcase instantiations of innovative IT artifacts (i.e., constructs, models, methods). The track provides an opportunity to demonstrate and discuss emerging IT artifacts with researchers andpractitioners. Submissions for the Products & Prototypes Track should comprise the following sections in no more than 5 pages:
- Title page with information about the designers
- Design of the artifact (e.g., problem statement, use cases, intended user groups, list of features)
- Significance to research (e.g., innovativeness of the artifact)
- Significance to practice (e.g., usefulness of the artifact)
- Evaluation of the artifact (e.g., in laboratory or field settings)
- If available, screencast of or link to an implementation of the artifact
Accepted submission will be published in the DESRIST conference proceedings (Springer LNCS). For formatting guidelines please see paper submission guidelines.
Please submit products and prototypes directly to oliver.mueller@uni.li and turetken@ryerson.ca.
Submission deadline: March 1, 2014
For further information please visit: http://desrist2014.fiu.edu -
DESRIST 2013 Conference:
DESRIST 2013 conference will take place in Helsinki, Finland. Please check out the website https://desrist.org/, http://www.desrist2013.fi, http://www.facebook.com/Desrist2013, and https://twitter.com/desrist2013 -
Design Science Research Survey:
Are you an MIS academic conducting Design Science Research? We hope to gather data from the design science community regarding their opinions of the receptivity of journal outlets to design science research, as well as the career impact of publishing to journal outlets. Can you help us by filling out a 15 minute survey? Thank you. Take the DESRIST Survey here -
DESRIST 2012 Proceedings Published:
Design Science Research in IS: Advances in Theory and Practice
7th International Conference, DESRIST 2012 Proceedings
Peffers, Ken; Rothenberger, Marcus; Kuechler, Bill (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-642-29862-2
Amazon Listmania:
Amazon Listmania "Books about Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology"
Please visit http://www.amazon.com/lm/R2QGT7RTZHP7U1 -
Added the +1 button and the LinkedIn shared button to desrist.org.:
Added the +1 button and the LinkedIn shared button to desrist.org. Please support and share good resources. Don't forget to +1 and linked in! -
DESRIST 2012 Website Up:
DESRIST 2012 will be held in Las Vegas, hosted by UNLV. Please visit the conference website at https://desrist.org -
AIS THCI Special Issue on Design Research in HCI:
AIS THCI Volume 3 Issues 2 features a special issue on Design Research in Human-Computer Interaction: http://aisel.aisnet.org/thci/vol3/iss2/ -
WITS 2011 CFP:
WITS 2011 (21st Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems) in Shanghai this year. The theme this year is "Business Intelligence and Cloud Computing for Enterprise Competitiveness." Visit http://nima.is/wits/ for CFP. -
HICSS 2012 mini-track on design science research:
45th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS) mini-track "Advances in Design Science Research for Information Systems": http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_45/45os.htm#os1 -
DESRIST 2011 Website Ready:
Please visit the official site http://www.desrist2011.uwm.edu/ or https://desrist.org/ -
DESRIST 2011 Call for Papers:
DESRIST 2011 May 5-6, 2011 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Get Call for Papers here
. -
Proceedings of DESRIST 2010 Published:
Global Perspectives on Design Science Research
Robert Winter, J. Leon Zhao, Stephan Aier (eds.)
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2010
ISBN 978-3-642-13334-3
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 6105
About this book
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Global Perspectives on Design Science Research, DERIST 2010, held in St. Gallen, Switzerland, in June 2010. The 35 revised full papers presented together with 10 revised short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 80 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on organising design research, reflecting design science research, design research techniques, design and context, design and organisation, design and information, design research exemplars, design and behaviour, designing collaboration, as well as design and requirements engineering.
For more information:
http://desrist2010.iwi.unisg.ch/proceedings -
DESRIST on Linkedin: 50 Members Milestone:
Today our DESRIST group on LinkedIn has 50 members. Come and join us: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2161182 -
Custom Search (Beta):
Please try the new custom search function (beta) https://desrist.org/search/. Any comment to improve it is welcome. -
New DESRIST Events Calenar:
Happy new year! Try our new community calendar powered by Google! -
Design Research Introduction:
The design research webpage (edited by Dr. Vijay Vaishnavi and Dr. William Kuechler) of from the AISNet.org website is now hosted on DESRIST.org. -
DESRIST.org Update:
Added job postings (from highedjobs.com) -