Department of
Information Technology

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Course List >> IT4713

IT 4713 Business Intelligence Systems

Scheduled Offering: see IT courses schedule plan.
Recent offerings: fall 2019, Spring 2020

Business intelligence systems have been widely adopted and implemented in today's enterprise environments due to growing amount of data and increasing need for data analytical processing. This course introduces the concepts, practices, technologies and systems of business intelligence and analytics, which supports data driven insights generation and decision making. The complete process of BI and analytics is covered, from data gathering, modeling, analysis, reporting, and visualization.

This course is an senior level elective as part of the new data analytics and technology concentration for BSIT.

The first lecture on BI and Analytics Overview

View and download the lecture notes on ResearchGate or Edocr.

"Kennesaw State University professor Jack Zheng's concise, content-rich introduction to BI may be the best free comprehensive intro I've seen online. You're basically getting the first-day lecture from one of his college courses. If you were to break the course's cost down by classes, you'd probably be getting about $1-200 dollars' worth of information, just by clicking above." From

Course highlights

  • Technologies and tools: SQL Server, Power BI, Excel
  • Project based learning: a complete BI project in 4 milestones

Open Access of Learing Materials - Affordable Learning Georgia

This course is part of the Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grants which aim to lower the cost of learning materials. The course has been awarded the following grants to develop no cost learning materials.

General resources

My Current Major Courses

I am mainly teaching and developing data related courses now. I am the course architect (coordinator) for these courses.



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