Course List >> IT4983
IT 4983 Capstone Project
Students work in teams to develop or implement a real-world IT solution integrating the knowledge acquired in preceding IT courses. Components that are emphasized include technical design, research, documentation, project management, leadership, team work, and communication skills. The final result will be an IT solution addressing a typical business or organizational need such as data management or networking, which will be evaluated by faculty members, Industrial Advisory Board members, and project owners.
Course objectives
The goal of this course is to create value through the application of information technology. The course brings together teams of senior students in Information Technology to address complex challenges and identify new opportunities for information technology professionals. In measuring your progress toward the BSIT degree, we will assess what you have accomplished, and will project what you will have to offer as an IT professional in real-world organizations. The course objectives are to create value-added deliverables in the following three categories:
- Business-Value: Prepare you to assist in analyzing and developing IT solutions to meet business needs.
- Personal-Value: Prompt you to assess what you have learned and produce a career portfolio to demonstrate your competence that will add value to your applications for jobs and/or a graduate school. Enhance your ability to function as an effective IT professional and/or project manager.
- Degree-Value: Be able to assess the key knowledge and skills throughout the BSIT degree program and the ability to articulate their relevance to career goals.
IT 4983 capstone report 2012-2017 from Jack Zheng
We are working with all kinds of local and global businesses and non-profit organizations to provide real world IT projects for students. Please view the report below and contact me if you are interested in such a collaboration.
Sample course materials
- Syllabus
- Project Guide
- Career profile and portfolio using LinkedIn
General resources
- Capstone project
- Career profile and portfolio