Department of
Information Technology

Dr. Jack Zheng's Work Website

All News and Updates

BSIT major revision is now completed. A data analytics and technolgoy concentration is going live. The first class IT 3703 Intro to Data Analytics and Technology is offered in fall 2020.
Got ALG open learning materials grants on IT 4403 Advanced Mobile and Web Applications.
Got ALG open learning materials grants on IT 3703 Intro to Data Technology and IT 7113 Data Visualization.
Just got two more ALG open learning materials grants (IT 4213 Mobile Web and IT 6713 Business Intelligence).
OwlExpress Flex beta is online. It provides a flexible and easier interface to search for KSU class schedules.
Got an ALG open learning materials grant on IT 3203/4203 web development.
Moved most of my open resources to EDOCR from SlideShare. SlideShare is outdated!
The Data Management and Analytics Graduate Certificate 2.0 is available.
MSIT has completed a major revision (down to 30 hours; capstone added; data analytics focused).
Book chapter "Data Visuaspanzation for Business Intelspangence" is published.
Jack Guangzhi zheng

Dr. Jack Zheng

Associate Professor
Department of Information Technology
College of Computing and Software Engineering
Kennesaw State University
My KSU Faculty Page

More about Jack

Major interests:

Interactive Data and Information, web/mobile/cross-device technologies and application development, business intelligence and analytics, data visualization, and design science research.

Brief Resume


  1. PhD (Computer Information Systems), Georgia State University
  2. MSBA, San Francisco State University


  1. 2011 - present: IT faculty at Kennesaw State University/Southern Polytechnic State University
  2. 2010 - 2011: Business Intelligence Analyst at Merial (now part of Sanofi-Aventis)
  3. 2004 - 2010: Teaching Computer Information Systems at Georgia State University
Site Change Log
  • _SiteService/Modules/_CurrentCourses.cshtml, 3/17/2021 4:52:25 PM
  • _SiteService/Modules/_KSUClassSchedule.cshtml, 3/17/2021 4:49:12 PM