Department of
Information Technology

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Course List >> IT4203

IT 4203 Advanced Web Development

Most recent semester: Fall 2017

This course covers more advanced topics on web application development with a focus on single-page web applications and web APIs, which has been the latest trends in modern web application development. Building upon your fundamental web site design and client-side development skills, this course enhance your web development skills at the client side, utilizing jQuery, JSON, and AJAX. You will complete at least one major project upon finishing this course.

Course materials website:

 IT 4203 Advanced Web Development -

Visit the site for schedule, study guides, lecture notes, examples, and project information.

Past course highlights

  • ASP.Net
  • Web Services
  • Single page app with web api, jQuery
  • AJAX
  • XML

My Current Major Courses

I am mainly teaching and developing data related courses now. I am the course architect (coordinator) for these courses.



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