Department of
Information Technology

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Course List >> IT3703

IT 3703 Introduction to Data Analytics and Technology

Scheduled Offering: see IT courses schedule plan.
Recent offerings: Spring 2021

This course provides a comprehensive overview of data processing technologies, techniques, tools, and applications. It sets a context and foundation for further studies in data analytics. Latest trends in analytics, big data, and data science will be introduced.

This course is a new elective as part of the new data analytics and technology concentration for BSIT.

Course highlights

  • Technologies and tools: Google Data Studio, BigQuery

Open Access of Learing Materials - Affordable Learning Georgia

This course is part of the Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grants which aim to lower the cost of learning materials.

My Current Major Courses

I am mainly teaching and developing data related courses now. I am the course architect (coordinator) for these courses.



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