design science research in information systems and technology

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CIS 9220: Topics in Information Systems Technology

CIS, Georgia State University

Course Description:

This is a research seminar that focuses on research issues and methods in one or more areas having to do with the technology of information systems. Topics include: software engineering, communication systems, and database/knowledgebase systems. The focus of the course will be announced in advance and the course will be made available for student review. This is a research-oriented course that provides exposure to the major streams and key research domains in the information systems technology area. The course fouses on the information technology that is needed for the modeling, design, and development of complex systems of various types. The research issues are identified and the respective research paradigmatic communities are discussed. The research methods used to conduct research in the information systems technology area are identified and characterized.

CIS 9320: Design Research Methods in Information Systems

CIS, Georgia State University

Course Description:

The course develops skills for implementing and evaluating the techniques and methods that are used in the various phases of design research. After an exposure to the characteristics that differentiate design research from other types of research, research methods and techniques used in the various phases of such research will be discussed in the context of exemplars of such research. The exemplars will be from a number of information systems areas such as software engineering, data base and knowledge base systems, and communication systems.

MIS 611A: Design Science Research Methodologies

MIS, The University of Arizona

Course Description:

Introduces beginning doctoral degree students and advanced master's degree students to important research and survey articles in the field of management information systems.

INFOSCI 366C: Design Science Research Seminar

School of Information Systems and Technology, Claremont Graduate University

Course Description:

The course develops skills for implementing and evaluating the techniques and methods that are used in the various phases of design research. After an exposure to the characteristics that differentiate design research from other types of research, research methods and techniques used in the various phases of such research will be discussed in the context of exemplars of such research. The exemplars will be from a number of information systems areas such as software engineering, networking, Internet technologies, information security, telemedicine, middleware, multimedia and others.

: Fundamentals of Design Science Research

Center for Doctoral Studies in Business, University of Mannheim

Course Description:

The lecture seeks to explore the following aspects: Foundations of Design Science, Conceptualizations of Design Science in Information Systems Research, Examples of Design Science Studies, Design Theory, Philosophy of Design Science, Critical Issues in Design Science, Framing and Publishing Design Science Research.
